(We start right back where we were - in the Giant's castle. We briefly begin with the other four Bowery Boys and Gabe in the treasure chest. Slip and Sally the Harp clutch each other for dear life.)

Butch: That's either an earthquake, or the giants have figured out that there's somebody home.

Sally: (She turns to Slip) You can hide in the jewelry case. It should be easy to open.

Slip: I ain't hidin', Sally. We're not goin' down without a fight.

Sally: But you can't take them alone! (Shakes her head) You're going to need a plan. Besides, it's really only the woman giant you have to worry about. She's the smart one. The male ones are as dumb as posts, especially Junior. (Frowns) When I wouldn't marry that lunkhead, they turned me into a harp. They say they'll turn me back if I marry Junior, but I'd rather stay a harp forever than become the wife of that nitwit!

Slip: That was our problem last time. We didn't have a chance to use our brains in this. This time, at least we know we have a problem. I still ain't hidin', though.

Sally: Then we're going to have to develop a plan.

Slip: Natterally.

(But it turns out that there's no time. The huge male giant, the one called Henry, comes in first.)

Henry: Who left that treasure chest open? (Gabe manages to flit out of the treasure chest before he shuts it...without seeing the other four Bowery Boys inside!)

Junior: (He follows his father) I dunno, Paw. Ain't no one 'round here. Maw's out gatherin' fish for dinner.

Sally: (Whispers to Slip) We're in luck. The female giant is busy.

Slip: *Smirks and whispers back* Piece of cake, then.

Henry: (Slams his fist on the table) Bring me my hen!

Junior: Aw Paw, can't you do it yourself?

Henry: (Louder) BRING ME MY HEN NOW!

Junior: (Grumbles) Aw, hold your horses, Paw. I'm comin'. (He takes the cage with the hen, pulls the hen out of the cage, and lays the small creature in front of him.) Here. Hope you're happy.

Henry: (Nods) Go help your mother. (He turns to the hen) Ok hen, lay.

(The hen does...and when she moves, we reveal a golden egg.)

Sally: (Nods) He has my uncle's hen! She lays golden eggs on command.

Slip: I can see that.

Junior: (Sees Gabe fliting around) Oooh, pretty butterfly! I want you! (He tries to catch Gabe, but he easy dodges him and gets to the shelf instead.)

Gabe: *Lands on the shelf* Slip, we need to get to the table to get the hen.

Slip: Won't argue that.

Sally: Be careful. Henry and Junior are dumb, but they're also big.

Slip: As long as we can use the dumb part of that, we'll be fine.

Sally: Just don't let him knock you head over heels again.

Slip: That was a cheap shot.

Gabe: I'll keep an eye on him, Sally.

Sally: All right. (She kisses Slip on the cheek) Be careful. I don't ever want to lose you again!

Slip: *Smiles, turning a few shades of red* I'll be right back.

(At the same time, the camera moves down to the treasure chest...to reveal blue and red smoke coming out of it. It finally blows open, revealing four coughing Bowery Boys.)

Sach: Boy, I wish we had wings like Gabe's! We coulda gotten outta there before that big oaf shut us in!

Chuck: Next time you wanna powder something, pass out handkerchiefs first, okay guys?

Sach: Well, did you have any better ideas on how to get us outta there?

*Chuck just gives him a dull glare.*

Sach: (Points upwards to where Gabe flies Slip over to the table) Oh boy, the Cheif needs our help! We've gotta get up there! (Turns to Whitey) You get Chuck. I'll get Butch.

Whitey: *Nods* With pleasure!

(Sach tosses blue powder over himself and Butch; Whitey does the same with Chuck and his red powder. All four float to the table just as Gabe and Slip land.)

Henry: Ok, hen, lay more eggs! (She does, clucking and cackling away. He holds up the eggs.) These are some of the best you ever laid. They'll fetch a good price.

Sach: (They hurry over to Slip and Gabe - all six hide behind a huge roast turkey) Cheif! Boy, am I glad to see you! How's Sally?

Butch: You two sure looked like you were picking things right back up where you left off.

Slip: Sally's okay We coulda used more time, but we got giants to dispart.

Sach: Yeah, no kiddin'. We've gotta get that hen and those eggs. They could buy banana splits for a whole year!

Butch: How are we gonna get past that giant?

Sach: Maybe we could create a distraction! Make him sneeze or somethin'!

Slip: Some of us will distract while the others grab the hen.

Sach: (Looks at Whitey) Why don't we do the distractin'? We got the magic.

Butch: (Nods and holds up his flute) I'll help.

Slip: While Chuck, Gabe, and me grab the hen.

Sach: (Nods) Come on, Whitey. (He pulls out some blue powder and throws it) I don't know what this is gonna do, but it should be interestin'.

(The powder lands right on the giant's hair...and turns it and his beard blue!)

Henry: Hey! (Feels his head) Someone turned my head into a blueberry!

*Whitey tosses red powder on the giant's head. It turns the hair on his head red.*

Henry: Hey! I like my hair brown! Stop that! (He pounds the table, making it shake...and knocking the two wizards off their feet!)

Butch: We've gotta calm that guy down! (He plays a soft song on his flute. Henry finally starts snoring...but when Butch turns to Sach and Whitey, they're snoring, too.)

Butch: Guys! (He smacks Whitey over the head with his flute) You weren't supposed to go to sleep with the giant!

Whitey: Ow! Sorry! But that tune you were playin' is so nice.

Butch: Thanks, but it was for the giant, not you guys. (He waves his hands to the other three, indicating that they should come and get the hen)

Slip: That's our signal, c'mon!

*Slip, Chuck, and Gabe gather at the hen. With the help of Gabe's dust, they lift the hen.*

(But the hen lets out a large squawk as Slip grabs hold of her!)

Sach: We've gotta quiet that hen down! She's gonna wake up the big guy!

(Butch plays the flute again. This time, it puts the hen to sleep.)

Butch: (After he finishes) Ok, guys. Who gets to lift the hen?

Sach: (Looks over the edge) It's a long way down there.

Butch: Maybe we could make some kind of slide?

Sach: (He sees a bowl of huge vegetables) Whitey, I have an idea! (Tosses blue powder on the bowl. The celery comes trotting out and lines up as a slide going down to the floor.)

*Whitey tosses red powder on some peanut butter and mushrooms. They join with the celery to make a legitimate slide with a soft landing.*

Sach: All off for all points, down, including the floor! (He slides down first)

Junior: (He comes in as Butch and Whitey go) Hey Paw, Maw's on her way home...Paw? (He sees his father snoring) Darn, Paw fell asleep over his soup again! (Frowns when he sees the celery slide) What's the food doin' down there?

Butch: (As he slides...he looks right up at Junior) Oh man! (He misses the mushrooms and ends up on the floor.) Ouch! Guys, Junior spotted us! We've gotta move!

Junior: Hey, don't I know you? Aren't you those Guardian guys, and that pretty butterfly? An' why do you have Paw's hen? (He tries to reach for Gabe, Slip, Chuck, and the hen)

Slip: Move it, fellas!

(Gabe shoots Junior's hand with his magic as Slip and Chuck slide down the celery with the hen. Junior squawks when his fingers turn into fat worms...but he swipes the celery with the other hand, breaking the slide and sending Slip, Chuck, and the hen to the mushrooms below!)

Sach: (As Slip and the hen land) Chief, are you ok?

Junior: (He wails) Paw! Paw! My hand! My hand! (He starts crying big, fat tears that land on the boys as Chuck topples to the mushrooms)

Henry: (His eyes open) Huh? Wha? (Looks at his hand) Now how did you go and do a fool thing like that, boy?

Junior: I didn't do it! He did! (He grabs Gabe and squeezes him) My pretty butterfly did it!

*Gabe yelps, trying to wiggle away.*

Slip: Just wonderful, Sach.

Henry: (Puts his hand around Junior's; when it the dark dust subsides, it's normal again. He takes Gabe) This ain't a butterfly, boy. It's one of them fairies. (Frowns) An' I think I remember this one. He was a buddy to those meddlin' "Guardians of the Air" we got rid of ages ago.

Sach: (Points upwards) Chief, they've got Gabe!

Slip: *Groans* I see that, Sach!

Henry: Junior, get me the glue and that string. (He points at a piece of hemp rope and bottle of glue by the huge end table) And give me that fairy. (He grabs Gabe by the wings hard.)

Gabe: Ow! Watch the wings, buddy!

(Junior does as told. Henry pulls the brush out of the pot of glue and slops it over Gabe's wings...then presses them together. He wraps his legs and arms with rope and glue.)

Henry: (Sneers) See if you can fly now.

Gabe: *Sobs* Noooo!

Slip: That does it.

Junior: (He takes Gabe) Oooh, I got my pretty butterfly! I'll keep him with my collection!

Henry: Yeah, son. You do that.

Junior: I got my pretty butterfly! I got my pretty butterfly!

Henry: (Smirks) An' without those wings of his, he can't do his magic. He won't be gettin' loose.

Junior: Oooh, I like my butterfly. (He takes him out of the room.)

Henry: (He looks downwards...and sees Slip, Sach, and the others) Hey! I know you! You're those Guardians of the Air! I thought Maw got ridda you!

Sach: How'd you like to have worms for fingers?

Slip: I oughta carve you up!

Henry: I wouldn't. (Points to Slip) You're the one who put those toothpicks in my feet! They still hurt when it rains!

Slip: Good! I'd gladly do it again!

Sach: Chief, we've gotta get the hen outta here and find Gabe! We'll come back for everythin' else later!

Slip: I'd rather slice this guy up once & for all.

Chuck: Chief, let’s just take the hen & go while we can.

Slip: Fine.

Henry: I'm gonna do what I should have done before! I'm gonna squash you guys flat! (Sach and Whitey throw powder and make them disappear with the hen just as his huge foot comes down.)

(We cut to what looks like it might have been a young woman's room once. It's dominated by a huge vanity wrapped with lavender ruffles, and a canopy with lavender silk shades and ruffled comforter and stuffed animals. There's a huge purple plush chair, and a bookcase filled with shelves of cobweb-covered books. There's also jars filled with colorful winged creatures. Some are real butterflies. Others are fairies, like Gabe. Junior stomps in and drops Gabe on the vanity.)

Junior: I think you're my prettiest butterfly yet! (He runs his finger over the bound fairy) You'll be nice in a new jar, when I can get one from Maw!

Junior: (He pulls out a pair of scissors) And now, I'm gonna take off those pretty wings, an' put them in a book with all my other prettiest butterflies!

Gabe: You are not touching my wings!

Junior: But I gotta touch 'em, for my collection! They can't go into my butterfly book with you still on 'em!

Gabe: And you can't have 'em if I'm still alive!

Junior: Then you can't still be livin'! (He aims the sharp end of the scissors for him) Close your eyes! This won't hurt a bit!

(There's a poof of blue and red smoke right next to Junior's foot. When it subsides, all five Bowery Boys and the hen appear.)

Sach: I love travelin' that way. (Points upwards) Poor Gabe! Looks like that giant's gonna hurt him with a knife!

Slip: Hey, ugly, leave him alone!

Butch: We're gonna have to work together!

Sach: (He shoots a blue light at his foot) I'm gonna give him a blue hot foot!

(It makes Junior's foot jump! He looks down.)

Junior: Hey, aren't you those Guardian guys? You were really annoyin'.

Slip: An' we're gonna be even more annoyin'!

Junior: Go away! (He kicks lightly...but "lightly" for him sends Whitey and Chuck sprawling.)

Sach: Hey! (Pulls away from his foot) I've heard of nerves of steel, but feet of steel?

Chuck: *groans* I really don't like this guy.

Slip: I'm gonna tear this giant apart!

Sach: (Blocks Slip) But he'll just hurt Gabe! Remember, he's dumb. We've gotta be smarter.

Slip: Just let me hurt some PART of him!

Sach: Yeah, but you've gotta get up there first. (Thinks) What if we had wings, too?

Slip: Can you do it?

Sach: I could try. (He tosses the blue powder around him, Butch, and Slip. When the poof subsides, they all have wings like Gabe's. Sach's are blue, Butch's green, and Slip's maroon and white.)

Sach: (Looks behind him) Wow! I always wanted to be a bird!

Slip: *Smirks* Great! *He flies up right in front of Junior.*

Junior: (He squeals with glee) Oooh, another pretty butterfly! I want your wings, too! (He tries to reach for Slip)

*Slip moves up, over Junior's head flies circles around him, buzzing him.*

Junior: (He gets up, waving the scissors) Hey! Come back here! I want your wings!

Slip: Gotta catch me first!

Sach: (As he joins Slip) Whitey, you n' Chuck free Gabe, then let the other fairies go. I'm gonna help the Chief!

Whitey: You got it!

Chuck: We're on our way. *He and Whitey head for Gabe*

Sach: (He and Butch fly up to join Slip) Hey big stupidhead, how'd you like some blue light in your eye? (Shoots a ray from his blue staff right in Junior's right eye. He roars and throws the scissors. They're aimed at Slip, but Sach turns them into a bouquet of blue roses. They end up hitting Slip in the nose.)

Sach: Give those to Sally when we get back to the kitchen!

Slip: I'll forgive ya that one just 'cause Sally will love these!

Junior: Oww! My eye! (He still tries to reach for Sach and Slip) I want your wings! I want pretty wings!

Butch: You know, that's a pretty funny dance you're doin'. How about some music for it? (He plays...and his golden flute glows. Suddenly, Junior starts dancing in time to the music!)

Junior: (Whines) But I don't wanna dance! Why am I dancin'? (Tries to catch Slip, but his feet dance away from him.)

*Slip pokes Junior with his sword in various places.*

Junior: Ow! Ow! (He tries to swat at Slip, but he keeps dancing away)

(Suddenly, there's a huge red "poof"....and a rainbow of colors bursts into the room! The fairies and real butterflies dance around Junior's head, poking and buzzing him much like Slip is.)

*Slip moves downward and pokes the giant in the rear.*

(Junior lets out a roar and jumps a mile! He shakes every bit of furniture in the room when he lands.)

Junior: (He turns to Slip) You're mean! You're a meanie! You hurt me! (He lets out a long whine) MAWWWW, he HURT me! (He tries to run, but he's still dancing.)

Slip: Lemme make it better! *pokes him in the rear again*

Mabel: (We hear her big feet stomping up the steps) I'm comin', I'm comin'.

Sach: (Eyes widen) It's the lady! We've gotta get outta here!

Slip: I ain't done yet!

*Whitey tosses red powder over the window to open it.*

Chuck: *Flies over to Slip* You're done! C'mon! *Grabs a handful of his tunic and pulls him away.*

Sach: (He takes Gabe in his arms) Poor Gabey-boy. We'll set you right.

Gabe: Thank you, Sach.

*All the other fairies and butterflies fly out the window en mass. Slip is struggling with Chuck to get at Junior again.*

(Butch keeps playing as the five Bowery Boys fly out the door.)

(Cut back to the kitchen and main hall. The five Bowery Boys land on the shelf where Sally is. Chuck is still holding Slip. Whitey has the hen.)

Sally: What got him riled?

Sach: (Reveals Gabe, still wrapped in glue and rope) This. That nasty Junior hurt our friend Gabe! He's all sticky and can't fly! (Frowns) He was going to cut off his wings, 'cause he thought they were pretty.

Gabe: They saved me just in time!

Slip: You shoulda let me at that Junior again! I woulda taught him a thing or three! No one hurts one-a my pals an’ gets away wit' it!

Sach: He woulda just knocked you out again, Chief! 'Sides, we've gotta help poor Gabe. (Looks at Whitey) Maybe we could work together. That stuff's real sticky.

Whitey: Okay, Sach.

*Slip folds his arms and moves over next to Sally.*

Sach: I'll do his legs. You get his wings. You're better with stuff that sparkles.

Whitey: Thank you!

*White tosses powder over Gabe's wings.*

(Sach throws powder over Gabe's body. When it subsides, the rope is gone, and he can move again.)

Sach: How do 'y feel now, Gabey?

Gabe: *Flaps his wings* Much better, fellas. Thanks.

Sally: We still need to get two more of the treasures. The chest (she indicates the harp) and this harp I'm attached to.

Sach: An' we gotta get those giants!

Butch: Maybe someone oughta find a safe place for the hen.

Gabe: I can do that.

*Gabe picks up the hen and flies away with her.*

Sally: Now you have to figure out a way to get the treasure, before the giants... (That's when we hear rumbling) Come back.

Slip: Round two.