(We open back in the meeting room where Danny and Deborah was talking before...but now the table is filled with men and a smattering of women of many different nationalities. There's papers scattered around the table, at least that we can see through the haze of many cigars.)

*Everyone is talking at once. Danny lets rip a loud two-finger whistle to bring everyone to order.*

Deborah: (As everyone turns to Danny; hands him a gavel) Um, next time, Josef, use this. It's, um, easier to hear.

Danny: Oh. *blushes* Sorry.

Deborah: (She smiles at the group) And welcome all of you to our Energy for a Better Earth Summit! (Clapping all around) My husband will tell you more about the discovery of a new type of rock that we think will revolutionize the energy and electronics industry. (Nods at Danny) If you please, Josef.

Danny: Uh, right. So, the new rock, uh... *shuffles through a bunch of papers* A new energy source, yeah! Um... *shuffles again*

Deborah: I think these are the right papers, dear. (Hands him a sheath of notes)

Danny: Oh, ah, thank you, darling.

Danny: Yes, so, uh, the new rock will be used as an energy source conductor allowing for portable electronics.

French Ambassador: Oui, monsieur. Will they be expensive to mine?

Danny: Uh, no more expensive than any other material being mined.

African Ambassador: What will cost be to environment?

Danny: The environment, umm...

Deborah: (She sighs) We're still doing tests on the impact to the environment.

(As Danny fields questions, the camera pans upwards to see a gun appear through one of the balconies. The gun fires...and something lands in the floor near Danny's seat. A hand makes an "oh, darn" motion. There's another shot. This one takes off the French Ambassador's beret. He doesn't even notice as he asks Danny about the possibility of using this fuel for nuclear weapons.)

*Danny begins an answer as he picks up the water pitcher. Another shot shatters the pitcher. Danny yelps.*

Deborah: (Her eyes widen) What...how did that happen?

Italian Ambassador: I-a thought you said this room was secure!

Deborah: We thought it was...

(Another shot shoots the cigar right out of the mouth of the British Ambassador!)

British Ambassador: I say, this is an outrage! (Throws the cigars on the table) That was one of my best cigars!

*Danny's looking around, trying to figure out where the shots are coming from.*

(Suddenly, the gun shoots again...and we see something hit the top of Danny's right shoulder.)

*Danny yelps again and falls back into a chair.*

Deborah: (She and several ambassadors jump to their feet) Da...uh, Josef, are you hurt? (She touches his shoulder...and gasps) Oh, my god! You've been shot!

African Ambassador: Someone get a doctor!

(The French Ambassador faints.)

Danny: I... *looks at it* Ooohh...bad idea...

Deborah: Josef, we have to get you to a doctor of some kind...and quickly! (Mutters to him) And we need to call the police and your friends and tell them to look for whomever did this...because I think I have a good idea.

Danny: *Nods* Me too.

(Cut to the hallway outside the summit room. Duke, Blinky, and Sach are searching every nook and cranny for Rupert. Sach looks under a potted tree.)

Sach: (Makes a face) Dukey, I don't think this guy is anywhere!

Blinky: He must be very good at hiding.

Duke: I bet he is, but we're gonna keep looking until we find him. He won't get away with this.

Sach: Yeah! What a jerk, shootin' our pal Dan. Like he don't have enough problems.

Blinky: Not to mention hurting the king last night.

Duke: That's the kind of guy he is. He doesn't care who he hurts as long as he gets what he wants.

Rupert: (He suddenly appears near the doors, leaning against them casually) Were you looking for me?

Duke: Rupert!

Sach: You meanie!

Rupert: What a wonderful retort...if you're six years old.

Blinky: He's a lot older than that!

Sach: Yeah!

Duke: But he's still spot-on with what you are.

Rupert: Now, that cut me to the quick, Coveletske. I'm devastated. Do you think the pretender will live?

Duke: You wouldn't still be standing if he weren't.

Rupert: (Sighs) I must be slipping, though. I meant to kill him...though I'm now rather glad I didn't. Where is dear Josef, anyway?

Blinky: Do you think we'll tell you?

Rupert: Given how intelligent your two friends are? Yes.

Duke: Not a chance, Rupert.

Blinky: I don't think asking if he's bigger than a breadbox will help here, Sach.

Sach: Of course he's bigger than a breadbox!

Blinky: Sach, this isn't the $64,000 Question!

Duke: We're not helping you, Rupert.

Rupert: Maybe you could at least tell me where they took the pretender. I don't really want to finish him off. I rather like the fellow. I do, however, find the Queen to be vastly interesting.

Duke: And I'm supposed to trust you?

Rupert: No, but you can believe the fact that I did not mean to shoot your friend and wouldn't have shot him if he wasn't a rather convincing replacement for Josef. It's Josef I'm after, not your friend.

Duke: *Frowns* I've learned never to trust someone on the wrong side of the law, so you'll pardon me for not trusting you.

Rupert: Perfectly understood, dear boy. (Smirks) Are you sure you can't tell me where the king is? That IS part of my job.

Duke" And part of MY job is to stop you.

Rupert: And how do you propose to do that?

Duke: By using whatever means necessary.

Rupert: What would that be, scissors and glue?

Sach: No way! We use paste!

Rupert: This is getting tiresome. I want to find your king. You want to find me. I propose a little game.

Sach: Oooh, I like games!

Duke: What kind of game?

Rupert: Simple. I find the king, I win. You find me, you win.

Duke: Simple.

Rupert: Now, I don't want to make it too easy for you to find me, so... (He clips Duke in the chin and takes off for the summit room)

Sach: Dukey! (He and Blinky run over to Duke as he ends up on the floor) Duke, are you hurt? Say somethin'!

Duke: I'm fine, the jerk just caught me off guard. *lets them help him up*

Blinky: (Points into the summit room) He went that-a-way, Duke!

Duke: Then what're we waiting for? Come on! *heads for the summit room*

Sach: (Points - Rupert waves to them from conference table) There he is!

(Rupert jumps on the conference table and runs across it, scattering papers everywhere. Sach goes under it; Blinky goes around it.)

*Duke follows, going over the table.*

(Rupert throws a folder filled with papers at him, trying to knock him off or get him down.)

*Duke puts an arm up to block the papers. He grabs a glass and throws it at Rupert.*

(Rupert ducks the glass, letting it shatter on the floor. Sach puts out his arms to grab him on the other side of the table, but Rupert just jumps right over them. He easily dodges Blinky as he makes his way to the entrance to the balconies.)

Blinky: Boy, is that guy fast!

Duke: He's more slippery than a snake!

Sach: But not nearly as much fun to watch in the Bronx Zoo.

Blinky: I wish that guy was IN a cage. Might slow him down for two seconds!

Sach: (Points to a balcony; Rupert is waving cheekily at them) There he is, Duke!

Blinky: Let's go get him!

(Cut to the balcony they saw Rupert at. The trio burst through the doors...but the balcony is empty of everything but seats.)

Sach: Well, where is he?

Blinky: I don't see him! He's disappeared again!

Duke: *Points down a level* Down there!

Sach: (As we see Rupert waving again) That guy must be a magician!

Blinky: Looks like we're going downstairs.

(Cut to the balcony below them.)

Sach: (Looks around) He's not here again!

Duke: I can't stand this guy.

Rupert: (He waves from the very top balcony) Yoo-hoo! Boys! Over here!

Sach: (Points) There he is!

Blinky: How are we gonna get over there, fly?

Sach: Can we?

Duke: *His eyes turn upwards* Actually, Sach...yes. *smirks* Every wanted to swing on a chandelier?

Sach: Like in the movies?

Blinky: Are you crazy?

Duke: Yes, Sach, just like in the movies.

Sach: Let's go! I've always wanted to be Errol Flynn!

Blinky: No way! I think I'll go downstairs and see if I can find the other guys.

Duke: Suit yourself, Blinky. Sach, you and I will have some fun.

Sach: Oh boy! Let's go!

Blinky: (Looks down; turns white, then) Nice knowing you. I'll remember to tell the boys where to send the medics to scrape you off the floor. (He hurries out of the balcony)

Sach: (Yells after him) Coward! Worse n' me!

Duke: Let him go, Sach. Come on! *jumps for the chandelier, then jumps to the other balcony*

Sach: (He follows Duke. He's wobbly when they get there) Whoa. That was...that was great. Catch me, Duke. I'm gonna pass out. (And he does...right through Duke's arms and onto the floor)

Duke: *Glares down at Sach* Thanks a lot, Sach.

*We fade out on Duke picking up Sach. Fade in on another room in the lodge. We see all of the ladies, plus the back of a man in a white coat. We hear a familiar whimper just before the doctor moves. Danny has a bandage on his shoulder and half of his shirt off. He's looking in the opposite direction and making a face.*

Danny: *Still looking away* Am I gonna live, doc?

Doctor: (Rolls his eyes) You have a flesh wound, young man. It bleeds a lot, but it's nothing serious. You'll have to keep the bandage on it and it'll be sore, but it's not fatal.

Kathy: My poor baby! (She throws her arms around Danny) Does it hurt a lot?

Danny: *Frowning* Yes.

Kathy: I'd kiss it and make it better, but I don't want to infect it. So... (She gives him a deep kiss on the lips instead)

*So deep in fact, that Danny starts to slide down in his chair. He's half-way to the floor when Kathy lets up. He whimpers, smiling dazedly.*

Deborah: It looks like he enjoyed that.

Kathy: He better have!

Rachel: You melted the poor guy.

Danny: Hm?

Doctor: Just take these pain killers every couple of hours. (Grins) Although that was very effective, too. (Drops a bag in Danny's hand)

Kathy: I'm a medical miracle!

Deborah: I'm sure Danny will agree when his brain has returned to full working order. (Turns to the Doctor) Thank you again, sir.

Doctor: (Bows to Deborah) Glad to help, Your Majesty. (He heads out)

Kathy: So Danny, how do ya feel now?

Danny: *Settling back into his chair* Better. Boy, that was scary, though.

Kathy: I can't believe anyone would try to kill you!

Danny: I didn't think I was that much of a pain in the butt.

Deborah: They weren't after him. They were after my husband. They mistook him for Josef.

Kathy: But he's sick!

Deborah: I doubt Rupert believes that.

Danny: He probably thought it was just a ruse. I wonder, though... *shrugs his shirt back on fully with a wince* I thought Rupert was a crack shot. How did he happen to only graze me?

Deborah: He must have been someplace where he didn't have a clear view of you.

Kathy: I wish he wasn't here at all! I wish he'd disappear and let us alone!

Danny: I sorta wish I could've gotten rid of him during our duel.

(Suddenly, a large ball is thrown through the door. It erupts into what appears to be a grayish gas.)

Rachel: What in the world...

Deborah: (Covers her face with her handkerchief and coughs) It's gas...sleeping gas!

Kathy: (She's already yawning) Now you...tell us...

Danny: No! *dives for the door, but lands on the floor as the door opens; he's awake long enough to look up* Rupert... *falls to the floor asleep as Rupert laughs and we fade out*